File retrieval and organization had always takes to much time, Be it on offices or for personal use. The Revolutionary System Incorporated (REVOSYS)’ Digital Archiving is made to effectively counter this problems, with it you can now easily retrieve and organize your files. This program works by uploading your files on virtual space thus not had not only helps you in easy retrieval and organization but also in securing your files.

Digital archiving is a repository of digital material that a company, offices or person desires to keep for a longer period of time. It stores collections of digital information such as documents, video, pictures, etc. in a digital format with the intention of providing long-term access to the information. A digital archive can be an elaborate collection with a multi-tiered storage system.
Digital archiving has a lot of considerations that needs to be taken care of such as:
- Obsolescence: With advances in technology, storage media comes and goes.
- Metadata: This is a critical component when digital archiving. Without it, or enough of it, you will have trouble finding the data you want when you try to retrieve it.
- Defining what is appropriate for a digital archive.
- Corruption of information.
- Loss of information (the hard drive, SD card, etc.).
- Authenticity and integrity of data.
- Security and access
What is really Digital Archiving and how it works?
With the invention of scanner, digital document archiving came into being. Scanners are used to capture a digital image of a document, which can then be easily stored on a server or hard drive. The biggest advantage of digitally archiving documents is that your data cannot be tampered with. You can also save on space, as you will only be using up virtual space. By opting for digital archiving, you can eliminate the need of maintaining bulky physical records.

When a document is scanned, you have the option of saving it in varied image formats, such as PDF, JPEG, TIFF or BMP. Through the use of optical character recognition, a scanned PDF document can be made text searchable. This will make it very simple for you to retrieve specific information at any given time. Storage and transmission is also easy, as PDF documents can be compressed to a very small size.
By digitally archiving your payroll records, proof of deliveries, HR records or lab books, you will never need to worry about losing your information.

The RevoSys Digital Archiving
RevoSys Digital Archiving is a software created by Revolutionary System Incorporated to ensure secured copy of files and to easily retrieve it.
With the invention of scanner, digital document archiving came into being. Scanners are used to capture a digital image of a document, which can then be easily stored on a server or hard drive. The biggest advantage of digitally archiving documents is that your data cannot be tampered with. You can also save on space, as you will only be using up virtual space. By opting for digital archiving, you can eliminate the need of maintaining bulky physical records.

- Easy retrieval of files
- Efficient organization of files
- Consumes less space for document storage
- Ensures integrity for legal value preservation
- Easily manage privacy data
- Data retention and back up
- Cost savings due to reduced over heads for storage, searching and handling paper documents